GRIN is now 15!! UGH!!!! My little tiny blond girl is not so little anymore. She is taller than all of us and smarter... But not so smart that I couldnt surprise her!!! Smirk & I planned a small surprise party for her with her friends and some of our family for a dinner party. We had Smirk's best friend take Grin to the horse stables to keep her out of the house while I cooked and decorated. Because of the fires they couldnt ride the horses, but they got to walk them around a bit and check out all of the other horses...She loved it and thought that was the surprise until she walked in the door and there were her friends and fun!! She was completely surprised and had a great time!!
One slight problem... Due to my OCD cleaning issues, I misplaced the camera while I was organizing... pictures!!! Not even of the food!!!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
California...The land of the dramatic
Ah, October.... While other people around the country are remarking about how there is a chill in the air, the leaves are turning beautiful colors and fall is in the air...We in California are usually experiencing the hot, dry and windy days of Santa Ana wind conditions. It happens every year... without fail... Fall is the beginning of fire season in Southern California... This has not changed in years...
So I dont know why it amazes me every year when the first large fires of the season starts and the perfectly coiffed & polished "news"anchors report FIRESTORM (Insert current year here)! They then cut to some poor shnook reporter who is standing in the middle of a windswept burnt area covered in ash and dirt with hair looking like someone who has gone on way too many roller coaster rides at Knotts Berry Farm. This person then has to try to hear the inane questions posed by the anchors over the roar of the fire, to which they are way too close; dodge fire trucks and personnel who are there trying to do their jobs and try not to get themselves, their camera crew and rescue workers injured or worse...
While some years are mild, most of these fires are in the same areas... Malibu burns, the Angeles National Forest burns and most of these are caused by stupid people doing stupid things... This years fire are one of the worst I have seen in my lifetime. And dont get me wrong, these fires are horrible and costly and I truly feel awful for the people who have lost their homes and belongings and in some cases been injured or worse. But the media does nothing to help these situations.
The firefighters in these areas are overstretched and tired and doing a phenomenal job. They are awe-inspiring. But to have the media say to tell people "Should you stay in your home, use your hoses to protect yourselves." There was no "until fire crews can get to you" or "make sure you are safe"... just use a hose against a raging wildfire that has already consumed over 500,000 acres.. It will work!!! RIIIGHT!
Soon the winds will be over and the fires will be out and hopefully the rainy season will start as we need the rain, but that brings on the next media flurry!! THE STORM OF THE CENTURY and the potential mudslides that will ensue.... Oh well I guess in the land of movie stars and swimming pools, we all need a little drama... Once the natural disaster season has moved on and other states get Spring, we here in So Cal can once again settle back in to the live broadcast car chases and celebrity legal snafus!!
So I dont know why it amazes me every year when the first large fires of the season starts and the perfectly coiffed & polished "news"anchors report FIRESTORM (Insert current year here)! They then cut to some poor shnook reporter who is standing in the middle of a windswept burnt area covered in ash and dirt with hair looking like someone who has gone on way too many roller coaster rides at Knotts Berry Farm. This person then has to try to hear the inane questions posed by the anchors over the roar of the fire, to which they are way too close; dodge fire trucks and personnel who are there trying to do their jobs and try not to get themselves, their camera crew and rescue workers injured or worse...
While some years are mild, most of these fires are in the same areas... Malibu burns, the Angeles National Forest burns and most of these are caused by stupid people doing stupid things... This years fire are one of the worst I have seen in my lifetime. And dont get me wrong, these fires are horrible and costly and I truly feel awful for the people who have lost their homes and belongings and in some cases been injured or worse. But the media does nothing to help these situations.
The firefighters in these areas are overstretched and tired and doing a phenomenal job. They are awe-inspiring. But to have the media say to tell people "Should you stay in your home, use your hoses to protect yourselves." There was no "until fire crews can get to you" or "make sure you are safe"... just use a hose against a raging wildfire that has already consumed over 500,000 acres.. It will work!!! RIIIGHT!
Soon the winds will be over and the fires will be out and hopefully the rainy season will start as we need the rain, but that brings on the next media flurry!! THE STORM OF THE CENTURY and the potential mudslides that will ensue.... Oh well I guess in the land of movie stars and swimming pools, we all need a little drama... Once the natural disaster season has moved on and other states get Spring, we here in So Cal can once again settle back in to the live broadcast car chases and celebrity legal snafus!!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Traveling the world without a passport
I really want to travel... Need to travel, but alas, my budget and two children requiring food, shelter and guidance will not allow me to ditch the conventional world and grab a backpack and camera and just walk, hitch, boat or take the train throughout the world...But I can live vicariously through the lenses of others... These are some of my favorite websites through which I can see alot.. Unfortunately we havent perfected smellovision so I cant smell and touch all the interesting things seen here, but I can dream!!!
Australia/New Zealand
Other places that facinate me
Australia/New Zealand
Other places that facinate me
So, anyone who has met me knows that I dont like cats. Now before you stop reading, I am not a terrible kitten hating person. I think it stems from the fact that when I am around one, my throat starts to swell and I cant breathe or see from the tears streaming out of my eyes. I think some cats are quite adorable. Kittens are just plain cute... And usually like to wander in and out of my legs rubbing their lovely, anaphalactic shock inducing fur against my clothing...But I digress...
The reason for the cat rant is I was just informed by my best friend,Bee, who informed me that on my birthday I will now have one year left as a PUMA.
From what I understand, next year, my age not only will be one of the hardest birthdays for a woman to suffer through but thanks to the media and movies like When Harry Met Sally, now instead of thinking I am still young and fun I will be a freaking COUGAR... This is just wrong. I protest... Why cats?
I dont feel like a cougar, I feel like a Kitten.. I realize the extra 30 pounds that I am carrying around doesnt make me look like a kitten, but a COUGAR... I dont thinks so! So I plan to come up with a new labeling system and put it out into the world. Maybe Birds??? Young girls could be Hawks, then the 30's could become Falcon's then 40 and above could be maybe a peacock??
The reason for the cat rant is I was just informed by my best friend,Bee, who informed me that on my birthday I will now have one year left as a PUMA.
From what I understand, next year, my age not only will be one of the hardest birthdays for a woman to suffer through but thanks to the media and movies like When Harry Met Sally, now instead of thinking I am still young and fun I will be a freaking COUGAR... This is just wrong. I protest... Why cats?
I dont feel like a cougar, I feel like a Kitten.. I realize the extra 30 pounds that I am carrying around doesnt make me look like a kitten, but a COUGAR... I dont thinks so! So I plan to come up with a new labeling system and put it out into the world. Maybe Birds??? Young girls could be Hawks, then the 30's could become Falcon's then 40 and above could be maybe a peacock??
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Angry Princess...
Grin is very angry with me. One would think I had committed a major infraction. My little tree hugging, animal saving, planet policewoman child is angered because I have not yet put her picture on my blog. I put her sister (when saying that word... sister...You must say it like it has left a very bad, repugnant taste in your mouth) on my blog, I put a cake on... But do I put her...Noooo. So, just to make a certain princess happy and keep life in the Amused residence on an even keel... Without further adieu... World may I introduce you to GRIN....

And Grin and her friends... Sporty & Pony Princess

And Grin and her friends... Sporty & Pony Princess
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Favorite Things....
As Smirk, Grin and I sat unapologetically watching (and signing) the Sound of Music, last night, I begin to muse on my favorite things....I dont believe I can fit them into the song...
For instance, on chilly but sunny days, I love to get into my car after it has been sitting in the sun all day and just sit for a minute soaking in the warmth on the leather seats before I start to drive away.
I like to walk into my house and smell onions and tomatoes bubbling away for spaghetti sauce. Or coffee, or bread or anything with cinnamon... I love Thanksgiving...Planning, cooking, baking, eating, relaxing, the whole kit and kaboodle... I love it!
To stand in the back of an auditorium or high school gym and feel the swelling of pride as one of my girls does something great.
I like to take the girls to the upick orchards and picking the end of summer berries or apples (Smirk usually snacks as she picks resulting in stained fingers and seeds between her teeth) and then returning home to make applesauce, pies and fruit snacks.
I love to spend a lazy Sunday in my pajamas reading a good book (or two), while drinking a cuppa and not worrying about the piles of laundry in the garage or the dust bunnies behind the tv.
When I do finally get to that pile of laundry in the garage... Socks straight from the dryer, all warm and toasty, those have got to be a favorite!!
My favorite time waster would have to be when in public sitting and people watching.. I can make up stories about things I see. Smirk and I like to play "guess your life story" while people walk by. Grin doesnt like it as much but will join in when something (one) is very strange....
Being in Orange County, I rarely venture past the Orange Curtain, but if I have to go into LA I love to go to the Farmer's market and play the above mentioned game (always interesting people to watch there) and get a ham & cheese crepe ( YUMMY!!
No matter the time of year, I enjoy driving down Pacific Coast Highway early in the morning before the tourists come out of their posh accomodations and see the shop owners sweeping sidewalks and getting the towns ready for the days traffic.
I think one of my absolute favorite things is sharing all of these crazing things with Smirk and Grin and helping them start their list while discovering more for me...
For instance, on chilly but sunny days, I love to get into my car after it has been sitting in the sun all day and just sit for a minute soaking in the warmth on the leather seats before I start to drive away.
I like to walk into my house and smell onions and tomatoes bubbling away for spaghetti sauce. Or coffee, or bread or anything with cinnamon... I love Thanksgiving...Planning, cooking, baking, eating, relaxing, the whole kit and kaboodle... I love it!
To stand in the back of an auditorium or high school gym and feel the swelling of pride as one of my girls does something great.
I like to take the girls to the upick orchards and picking the end of summer berries or apples (Smirk usually snacks as she picks resulting in stained fingers and seeds between her teeth) and then returning home to make applesauce, pies and fruit snacks.
I love to spend a lazy Sunday in my pajamas reading a good book (or two), while drinking a cuppa and not worrying about the piles of laundry in the garage or the dust bunnies behind the tv.
When I do finally get to that pile of laundry in the garage... Socks straight from the dryer, all warm and toasty, those have got to be a favorite!!
My favorite time waster would have to be when in public sitting and people watching.. I can make up stories about things I see. Smirk and I like to play "guess your life story" while people walk by. Grin doesnt like it as much but will join in when something (one) is very strange....
Being in Orange County, I rarely venture past the Orange Curtain, but if I have to go into LA I love to go to the Farmer's market and play the above mentioned game (always interesting people to watch there) and get a ham & cheese crepe ( YUMMY!!
No matter the time of year, I enjoy driving down Pacific Coast Highway early in the morning before the tourists come out of their posh accomodations and see the shop owners sweeping sidewalks and getting the towns ready for the days traffic.
I think one of my absolute favorite things is sharing all of these crazing things with Smirk and Grin and helping them start their list while discovering more for me...
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Fun Days...
What a weekend! This weekend has been very fun filled and amusing. Smirk had homecoming this weekend, so Saturday was filled with primping and polishing and spraying and gunking! She and her friends, Princess Tiger Lily & Spumoni had a great time, dancing and looked beautiful! It was a proud moment! They were amazing! It is hard to think that they were once just little girls playing dress up and now are women ready to conquer the world.
They came home this morning, shockingly early after staying up most of the night giggling, to wish me a happy birthday and helped me make waffles for breakfast. We spent most of the day just laying around watching TV and relaxing! What a great way to spend a birthday!!
Today made me reflect on my surroundings... I was born in California and raised here, and yet I find it hard to admit that to people. My family has been in this state for over 100 years and yet whenever I leave this state, people now seem to equate Southern California with a stupid television show that completely misrepresented this area. (Never once have I uttered the words "Welcome to the OC, bitch") Not all from here want to be actors or have fake boobs and or tans...Yes quite a few do, but not everyone...Nor are we all tofu eating freaks who do yoga and wheat grass shots. But there are some strange events that happen here in Southern California... We dont really have seasons like the rest of the country, We have mid winter, which seems to involve a little bit of drizzle while news channels report the Storm of the Century, and fire season, which is most of October... We also have tourist season, mid April thru Labor Day, when the tourists come out to the beaches in their bermuda shorts and black knee socks.. this also brings out the Barbie girls to sit at the beach in their micro bikinis...
Anyway, back to today, we left the house to drive to Disneyland and on our way we saw a group of 10 year old boys riding down the side of the road on unicyles... Odd, looked like a clown training class. We also stopped by a seadside community. We came to a red light, me in my lovely toyota sedan (1995) and a brand new orange Lamborghini. A homeless man cross the street in front us. This man was looking for handouts. He chose to ignore the wealthy old guy in the sports car but came to my window to pester me and my daughters... odd choice when looking for spare I have any.... Oh well!! You just have to smile!
We came home finally with both my kids and several others in tow... I cooked dinner and settled down for the night.. We got to watch movies and relax.. Now that is what I call a birthday!!!
They came home this morning, shockingly early after staying up most of the night giggling, to wish me a happy birthday and helped me make waffles for breakfast. We spent most of the day just laying around watching TV and relaxing! What a great way to spend a birthday!!
Today made me reflect on my surroundings... I was born in California and raised here, and yet I find it hard to admit that to people. My family has been in this state for over 100 years and yet whenever I leave this state, people now seem to equate Southern California with a stupid television show that completely misrepresented this area. (Never once have I uttered the words "Welcome to the OC, bitch") Not all from here want to be actors or have fake boobs and or tans...Yes quite a few do, but not everyone...Nor are we all tofu eating freaks who do yoga and wheat grass shots. But there are some strange events that happen here in Southern California... We dont really have seasons like the rest of the country, We have mid winter, which seems to involve a little bit of drizzle while news channels report the Storm of the Century, and fire season, which is most of October... We also have tourist season, mid April thru Labor Day, when the tourists come out to the beaches in their bermuda shorts and black knee socks.. this also brings out the Barbie girls to sit at the beach in their micro bikinis...
Anyway, back to today, we left the house to drive to Disneyland and on our way we saw a group of 10 year old boys riding down the side of the road on unicyles... Odd, looked like a clown training class. We also stopped by a seadside community. We came to a red light, me in my lovely toyota sedan (1995) and a brand new orange Lamborghini. A homeless man cross the street in front us. This man was looking for handouts. He chose to ignore the wealthy old guy in the sports car but came to my window to pester me and my daughters... odd choice when looking for spare I have any.... Oh well!! You just have to smile!
We came home finally with both my kids and several others in tow... I cooked dinner and settled down for the night.. We got to watch movies and relax.. Now that is what I call a birthday!!!
Friday, October 12, 2007
Welcome to the blog world
My first post. How exciting! This is a doubly exciting day for us here in the Amused household. My children Smirk & Grin are amazed that I am writing on the web, and are sure this will embarrass them in some way. Since that is what I live for, I will try my hardest to do so. I have decided that this will be an outlet for all of the strange things roaming around in my brain, and there are alot!

The other exciting event is this is a birthday month for alot of people in this household. Today is Smirk's best friend, princess tiger lily's 17th birthday. We have made fabulous cake for the birthday, our first successful foray into fondant.

We will also have to make cakes for Grin, who will turn 15 on 10/24...I turn 39 on Sunday, but that one does not count!!! No cakes, unless they are filled with mass amounts of alcohol to dull the pain.
This blog will be a ramble of all things that make me laugh or distract me in some way, with some food and books and other things all thrown in... Confused??? Trust me, that is a normal state of being for my house hold!
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