Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What do you do for an hour???

So I am now sitting in my office in Los Angeles, there is no one here but me and one other dedicated employee... Why am I sitting here at 6:06pm? I am trying to kill time before I go to an event... A nice event... Where I have to wear nice clothes and make up... Shocking right!

Before anyone asks... No, I did not bring a camera, no there is no photographic evidence unless I happen to get in a shot with the guest of honor. But if that happens I can GUARANTEE no one will be looking at me...

See tonight's event is sponsored by LG (makes sense since I work for the large national wireless carrier) and the special guest is Heidi Klum.. You all know her right? Project Runway, Victoria's Secret, 3 kids and one on the way, amazing body...

Yeah this woman, so I know for sure, between her and the hot new phone, no one is going to be checking me out!

But my question still stands, what do you do for an hour, I can get dressed in 10 minutes, the event is right down the street, they are going to have food, I already did my make up (yes auntie, I am actually wearing makeup, foundation and all) So what do I do?? I guess sit and read blogs, lotion my feet, talk to no one as there is no one to talk to here... I can run up and down the halls but my back hurts already so I don't want to do that... Already talked to the girls... I am bored and I need caffeine! Let's go people, tell me what you would do to kill an hour....

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Woman!!!

Grin is my little star! Alright, she is not so little as she is taller than me unless I am in heels, but she shines bright! The Actor's Rep at school performed a one night production of the one of my all time favorite old movies/plays The Women. This was written in 1937 and adapted for screen in 1939. There are over 130 stars and they are all women. A man's voice is heard, but not one person or even animal on screen are men. It starred some of the best actresses of the time. It revolves around a Manhattan social wife and her husband. She finds he is having an affair and heads to Reno for a divorce. If you can ever watch it, do, it is wonderful.

So my little star played the housekeeper/cook in the Haynes household. The Haynes are the ones divorcing. She and the parlor maid are in the kitchen. The maid is recounting the argument she over heard to the housekeeper while eating pie. Below is her favorite part of the scene...

The last scene of the play is the climax fight scene between the two main characters. Grin now portrays a socialiate who is drunk at a swanky club. I believe in the movie it was the 21 Club. So below is my drunk teen.... She finished the whole bottle... (Luckily for us it was apple juice!)