Friday, January 18, 2008


As a dutiful mommy, I have tried to teach my children lessons that they will need in life, not only history, math (ha) and English, but actual life lessons. For instance...As a child, it was 1. don't pick your nose 2. don't kick sand in the school yard 3. be nice to animals and old people 4. respect your teachers. As they get older the lessons change a little, don't smoke (it is disgusting), don't eat snacks from a common snack bowl (see item 1 up above as not all mommies teach their children this lesson), don't drink alcohol as it is illegal, and above all if you do something stupid do not allow photographic evidence as this may come back to haunt you when you are running for president.

Since they were old enough to understand the political process (although are any of us really old enough to understand this process?) we have been voting together... On election night or now the night I receive my absentee ballot, we spread out all the amassed paper that has been sent to the house by the candidates, smear campaigns and all and look at their stance on issues and then try to pick a candidate.. We have in the past wanted to just write in Mickey Mouse or Goofy since we didn't really care for any of the candidates... Especially since one year we were watching the returns on TV and I hadn't been to the polls yet but we were informed that California was all ready accounted for and Bush had won... This year will be slightly different as Smirk is now eligible to vote... She is very opinionated (although I have no idea of where she gets this trait). She does not like Obama, but not because of his race, she does not like the fact that he is trying to get the black vote although he was pretty much raised white... He is not ghetto but tries to identify with them... She doesn't like Hillary not because of her gender, but because Smirk wants to be the first woman president... She doesnt understand if Guliani is really running... She isnt sure about Huckabee, but doesnt think he can win just on his name alone... The other candidates she is leaving to me.. She wants me to help her with those just like we have done in the past.. Only problem... I am ready to vote for Mickey again.....

Oh whatever shall we do.... Now I know why we were taught never to talk politics in polite company.... UGH!!!

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