When I was a kid my parents used to watch 60 minutes every Sunday evening especially the Andy Rooney segment. I hated this.. He was boring and old and talked funny... Well not much has changed.. I still don't care much for 60 minutes, but I do sometimes find Andy Rooney amusing and a little bit acerbic..But I had no idea he was still alive... I mean he was old when I was a kid and now.. WOW he is really old. But I was turned on to a recent segment by my auntie who had said he talked to people about what they carry with them while walking through New York. And it got me to thinking.. I really don't carry much on my person and I rarely walk anywhere. Not due to laziness but due to the fact that where I live is primarily a car centric community. The public transportation is not great. We do not have a subway and the geography is very spread out. For instance, I work 20 miles from where I live... Cant really walk that, no subways.. There is train but I would have to walk about 5 miles to get to the train and 7 miles from the station to the office.. Not exactly convenient... Healthy I think, but not convenient....
So anyway here is my thought, does a car replace a bag here in California? Several people I know carry so much stuff in their cars that they could qualify as a vacation home. I personally carry at least two books with me at all times... You never know when you might need a little something to read... I also have two water bottles, several pencils (all left behind by Smirk and Grin's holey book bags), two lip glosses, tissues, several pairs of extra shoes in case of a costume malfunction, jackets, a blanket and a packet of instant oatmeal, you never know when you might need oatmeal... This is far more than I carry in my purse... Lip gloss, credit card, spare change, keys....
So which are you? Are you a car or bag type person??? Or is there a third type... The minimalist??? How many types are there?? Maybe Andy needs to do some more research... After all, New York is not the capital of the world... Or is it just he is so old, that he isn't allowed outside of the Big Apple anymore...
1 comment:
Car person here.. You cant carry your earthquake emergency kit in your purse.. and we california folks have to be prepared. I carry a minimal purse but keep a 2nd purse/bag on the front seat full of the important things like coupons, candy and water.. this is a desert after all.
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