Teens in cars... It is a right of passage. They struggle to get their license and then are off... Spreading their wings and flying (at 90 miles an hour in a 50 zone) while the parents sit at home on pins and needles waiting for them to get home....I was waiting. Waiting for the frantic phone call... "Mom, I am lost" or "Mommy, I broke your car"...But it didnt come! Smirk drove her and Grin to their father's house for the first time....alone... This sounds like a So What moment...But we live in Southern California and her father lives over 30 miles away from our little house.. So that means the child who was afraid to drive over the speed limit on surface streets and does not like to change lanes because she does not like other cars even though they were usually 5 car lengths away...
I sat on my couch waiting... Devising a plan... How would I get to her to rescue her when she called in tears saying that the car speeding down the freeway and tailgating her had scared her too much to drive any further... What could I do, she had my car, I was left with the topless BMW convertible...But being supermom, I resolved that I would put on many layers and soar through the night to rescue my helpless child. Did I need to sit and worry about this... No. She did just fine. She even changed lanes on the 5 freeway. Granted it was now past 8pm on a Friday night so traffic had died down alot so I really didnt need to be quite as nervous as I was, but more to my dismay... Her father was not nervous at all, in fact.... He went to bed. Didnt even wait for them to arrive... Just yawn, think I will get some sleep now... The girls will get here eventually... How could he not be worried... This was precious cargo...Cargo that was driving itself careening down the freeway, not used to the dangers that are out in the world. Thinking she is invincible because in her mind, she is and will never be hurt...And he goes to BED.
Smirk told me I was being silly and she was fine and this was a good thing because I should stop worrying about her and let her take care of herself... My reply... "What!! I was not worried about You, I was concerned about the status of my lovely car & your passenger...Why should I worry about you??" That took the smirk right off her face...
I did tell her with a smile that it was not true and I was worried about her... and her passenger...and of course, my car...
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