Tuesday, April 29, 2008

2 B or not 2 B....

That is the question.... Grin has to find a monologue for her drama class. She wants to perform something that is not "her". It is a struggle because Grin does not know who she is... She thinks she is a tough cookie but she is most assuredly not... She thinks she should do something dramatic, but everything I find, she says sounds too sad (HELLO, the point behind dramatic???)

My biggest issue is when I look things up on the web, I find that people are basically stupid... What does the word monologue mean?? Lets think shall we... The beginning of the word is MONO - meaning SINGLE, ONE, ALONE or slang for a viral spit swapping disease which requires two people to get the disease so in theory it should be called binucleousis, but I digress... The stupid people on the internet post what the call monoglogues.. Yet they have two people speaking in some of these... Again, 2 not one so should they be called bi-logues or SCENES?? I dont want a scene... She needs to up there alone... So I search... I find many that I think are perfect, but my Amish daughter decides she cant do that or she cant say that word... She really isnt grasping the whole "acting" theory is she....

Maybe she should just give up on the acting and start practicing her fierce walk because at 5'9" she should just chuck it all and become a supermodel...

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