Tallulah or Damn you, yellow light as Grin and Smirk, respectively, call this little guy who was the centerpiece at the Basketball Banquet. The kind, Stay At Home Mommy who organized the decorations this year decided it would be fun to put a live fish in a little vase with a glow stick in the bottom, on each table. Then she stuck 1 piece of paper under the chair of the "winner" of the fish and you would get to take the centerpiece home!!! Isn't that nice!!!! The paper was under my chair so I opted to leave the fish for someone else, but PETA member Grin would not allow it.. She scooped up that vase faster than I could run screaming from the building...
As we were driving frantically toward home, to get Smirk home in time to leave and go to a party at her friends house, we hit every yellow light, hence her name for the fish. Their brother from another mother, Stick Boy named it Carl. He looked at me very quizzically when I asked "Why, does it have a big nose?" And then proceeded to ignore me. (COMEDIC GOLD BY THE WAY)
Two things to note, yes this is a beta fish and therefore can have no companions in the vase with him as he will eat it.
And Two, yes Grin is aware that this fish is a boy and should not be named Tallulah without causing severe psychological damage to said fish... As these fish come from Thailand, luckily for us I am not sure that he can understand English.
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