Yesterday's Earth Day festivities got me thinking about my child hood when my 'rents wanted to get away from society so we moved to Cartoon City, Nevada. I remember thinking "Where???" I also seem to remember my father wanting to be like Grizzly Adams or the Mountain Family Robinson (Adventures of the Wilderness Family)

and leaving civilization to live off the land! I would love to do that. I would like to bake my own bread and grow my own veggies... Sew my own clothes and live like a hermit.. Problems with that would be I cant bake to save my life (I have issues with yeast breads), and my sewing skills are not that wonderful so I think I would end up with a lot of dresses that look like sacks and lots and lots of blankets...
The media reports got me thinking about what my carbon footprint would actually be... I have a car, two in fact, if you count Smirk's... I do use electricity but have switched to halogen and Compact fluorescent bulbs. I try to recycle although from previous posts you may have read it is not so easy... I will now try to find a better use for the millions of plastic grocery bags that I currently have in my pantry. I would love to recycle them, but have not found a place that accepts them.... Our grocery store had a bin out front for about a week until they realized that Americans do not read and people were throwing garbage into this bag recycling area... I don't know what else I can do... I still cannot grow veggies at my apartment complex, nor will they allow the cow or goats that would be needed to provide my own milk/butter/cheese. They will not let us put up solar collectors so I do still need the electric company and gas company unless I want to have freezing cold showers and cook in the barbecue every night.
So for Earth Day, the girls and I decided to celebrate by doing absolutely nothing different! I did not plant a tree, but did water my plants. We did not turn off the electricity, but did go to bed an hour early. Sorry Mother Earth, we will try harder next year!! Maybe by then the apartment complex will start letting me keep a cow!
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