Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The world is backwards....

I do not understand the world. I dont want to sound like the world owes me and I am the only one that matters... But I work hard, I have raised my kids to the best of my ability. I try not live above my means. I pay my taxes... Yet my taxes seem to go to a single woman who has the audacity to PLAN a pregnancy while she has NO JOB, NO MEANS OF SUPPORT and also has 6 other children.,0,1790195.story

I am hopeful that she did not plan to have 8 babies at one time because that would be complete insanity.... But what the hell... She is living off student loans and food stamps... She says she is not going to go on public support, yet she already has... She was on disability, where she recieved $163,000 dollars!!!! OH MY GOD!!! She made triple what I make working my butt off, just by being injured and having 6 kids... Now she has 14!! And the new babies are going to require specialized care since they are so tiny... Who is going to pay for that??? The article says that three of her older children are disabled as well but she hopes that two will soon become not disabled... How do you do that???? What makes a child suddenly not disabled??? The article also says that she loves having babies, but didnt love being married. I love kids too, obviously since my house is always full of them but I dont get any support for them... All I want is enough money to pay off my bills and fix my car, maybe then I will only have a little stress instead of tons and tons of stress.... But that would be asking too much right... Or I could just quit my job and live off welfare and food stamps... That seems to work well for others...