Thursday, July 23, 2009

Even they dont want me...

I am starting to get a complex... First I cant find a man and now even a JURY doesnt want me. I got called for jury duty and was excited. I want to be on a jury, I want to see how things work... I got called up to the panel and was so hopeful as I made it through day one of jury selection and today, the stupid defense attorney dismissed me... It was a murder case and would have been fascinating but nooooo stupid woman decided that I wouldnt be sympathetic towards her client.... Now I am sad! Its not fair... Over half the people in the room really just wanted to go home. Half the people up on the panel wanted to be out of there, but me... no... Sad... Oh well, someday maybe!

Friday, July 17, 2009

I new the economy was in bad shape....

This week when I took my foray into the City of Angels, I had to drive to pick up one of my co workers at one of the stores we manage for the National Cellular Phone Company we work for. He was there with our boss and I was going to drive him back to his car, so the boss could take the big boss to the airport. Coworker and I got into my car, the convertible, and started driving down Sunset blvd. We stopped at a signal and were chatting when suddenly a homeless man came to my window and asked

"Sister, can you spare a hundred?"

A HUNDRED?? Seriously?? I don't even have a five I could spare, but now inflation has even hit the homeless? I mumbled sorry and stepped on the gas... We were cracking up so hard... A hundred.. I remember when they asked for a quarter. But now with the cost of living rising, the homeless must be feeling it too..

But then I wondered, wait what has gone up for the homeless?? Has the rent on his cardboard box gone up? Does he have to pay for a space rental on the box like you do in a mobile home park? Has the cost of flip flops at the salvation army store on the corner gone up? Or the store brand hooch? Has that increased in price, I mean, I know I can get a bottle of wine for $4 so I am assuming some vodka or tequila cant be that much more for the cheap stuff? I mean, I realize he is in Hollywood, but seriously... A Hundred????

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Sleepy... Need Caffeine... Send help

I am an idiot! I had fun, but I am stupid! My 24 hours of insanity started yesterday morning at 6:30am. I got up, worked out, started my working at 7am. I rushed around making sure things were perfect for my boss and our big boss who was out visiting our stores in the city of angels. I emailed, I did reports, normal day, no big deal. Then at 5pm, I stopped working and put on the mom hat, didn't feel like cooking so we went and got Chinese....But at 8pm, the insanity started... The girls and I jumped into the car with the Grin's friends and drove to the movie theater... Jumped out of the car and ran to our spot in the queue starting form around the side of the building...

Can you tell what is coming yet??

We sat with other crazed individuals, some in costume, some in PJ's, most sitting on the ground...There were board games out and cards flowing and people eating, laughing, having a great time....

Do you know what it is yet???

So at 11pm, we are still in line, but management has told us it will be another half hour and we can go in!!!


How daft am I right? A 4o year old in line with all her kids hanging at the midnight show to see a movie! Absolutely Barmy right? So do the math, movies is 2 hours and 33 minutes long. It starts at 12:30am. So when did we get home?? You guessed it... 3:40am! Straight to bed by 4am! Barking mad right!!

Yes, considering that I had to get up at 6:30am to drive 2 hours to Hollyweird to coordinate a meeting at 9am. Oh did I mention that I had to take the car we affectionately call Charlie? The BMW convertible whose top has been ripped apart by a werewolf before we bought it? Smirk has to work tonight and cannot drive a stick shift so I had to drive the convertible through LA traffic at 7am!!! Yahoo!!

I love Charlie, the car not the perfume from the 70's or the mystery dude with the angels, but the car is from 1991 and apparently cup holders were a novelty in 1991...So how do you shift gears in stop and go traffic while attempting to stay awake and not spill coffee?? You don't, you forgo caffeine until you arrive then pound 5 cups of coffee to stay awake! Then after your party leaves, you curl up in the conference room and nap... Just close your eyes to recenter after the meeting... Really, I am not sleeping, just resting my eyes and getting my focus back...

zzzzzz... Wake me in three hours.