Monday, April 23, 2012

Next Big News!

We have two spots of good news...
One, Smirk, has taken the written test fo rthe LAPD.  She was nervous about the test, being that it is written and she is the worlds worst spelling champion.  She hates writing and heavily relies on spellcheck.  But she thinks she did well, she took her time and checked her work... So now we are in a waiting game... Next steps, hopefully Interview... Keep your fingers crossed.
The other news involves Grin...
They arent the ivy covered halls of Princeton or Yale, like she dreamed as a child, but Grin is going to University! She has been officially accepted by University of California, Davis.   She will be studying animal biology and then if the crazy loans dont kill us, vet school.  She will become an Aggie
So in September, we will be taking a trip up north, to the lovely Sacramento area to drop her off at the dorms, away from us... for the first time that will last more than a week! 
I am not really sure how we are going to survive, but hopefully, we will all have enough to keep us busy so we dont miss her until Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I am usually apolitical and pretty liberal in my thinking. But there is an issue that does concern me and more importantly concerns Grin. She is a vegetarian tree hugging, animal saving, extreme liberal. So when Grin finds something that incites her "Occupy-ish" passion, I try to support. This time it comes in the form of Kony 2012.

Joseph Kony is the Ugandan war lord leader of the LRA. What this crazed Rebel leader has done is horrifying. Some of the people say he has mystical powers and he has been elevated to almost cult like status. Almost an African pied piper mixed with Jim Jones. Kidnapping children and forcing them to kill is a heinous thing!

Invisible Children is an organization dedicated to bringing Joseph Kony to justice through the international high court. This group is working really hard to get international awareness to the plight of these poor children in Africa. But what amazes me is the drive and dedication of this group to get this crazed despot brought to justice. In just one day, the Kony 2012 campaign has generated an amazing flow of web traffic. Watch the video here Be warned it is a bit long.

While I do I agree with the problem, I do wish the group had more of an action plan. If the plan is to make the world aware, I think a video with over 9 million hits is pretty good, but what happens next? The US has sent military advisers to Uganda to equip and train the Ugandan Army to be able to track and arrest Kony, but that is a short term solution. Were it me, I would hatch an elaborate plan that could rival any Hollywood movie plot with a great Bruce Willis like hero to bring him down.

While I do kid about the movie plot, the issue is real. Please watch the video!
If you agree with the cause, here is the link to support:

Monday, March 5, 2012

You aint never had a friend like me!

My lovely daughters are still children at heart. They love their Disney movies and toys and still act like 4 year olds even though they dont look like it anymore. Below is a picture of Smirk who was dancing in he rnew hat and dress while listening to Robin Williams sing You Aint Never Had A Friend Like Me, from the Aladdin movie.

Silly girl child!