Thursday, June 25, 2009


So a sad day for the world, both Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson pass, and both too soon... And as morbid as this is, I have some new rising stars to show you!!!! MY BABIES!!! Grin got a summer job... She works at Wild Rivers. Smirk got a job too, she is working at the Fair.. But Grin... She went to work one day and the PR person for Wild Rivers asked if she would like to be in a commercial for the water park! Of course my little actress said YES!!! Then she asked if she could bring her sister (what a good kid!!). The PR person said great, we need more extras! So the two actress went to the water park and filmed a commercial! Exciting? YES? Even more exciting...SEEING YOUR KIDS ON TV!!!! Check the link below and watch really close, it isn't that long, but they look fantastic!!!! I'm so proud!!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

What is sometimes green and currently invading my house?

MOLD! It is so disgusting! All right, so I have been told it is not mold, but it is mildew. Mold, mildew, fungus... Who cares it is still absolutely gross! It has taken over the back wall of my pantry. I reached for the oatmeal and noticed some green spots on the wall. As I searched to figure out what could have splashed on the wall, I saw it down on a shelf below too... As I frantically pulled things out of the cupboard, I noticed it smelt really gross. I chased down the maintenance guys and asked them to come over and check it out...

Come to find out I have a leaking water heater. And it has been leaking for a while.... But not in the usual way, flooding into the house, which is great I guess!! So now we have taken apart the kitchen, stored things in the garage. And everywhere else... So now we are just waiting for the guys to come to start ripping out the drywall, the water heater and then the repairs will start! This could be a really long weekend with out water!!!