Monday, April 23, 2012

Next Big News!

We have two spots of good news...
One, Smirk, has taken the written test fo rthe LAPD.  She was nervous about the test, being that it is written and she is the worlds worst spelling champion.  She hates writing and heavily relies on spellcheck.  But she thinks she did well, she took her time and checked her work... So now we are in a waiting game... Next steps, hopefully Interview... Keep your fingers crossed.
The other news involves Grin...
They arent the ivy covered halls of Princeton or Yale, like she dreamed as a child, but Grin is going to University! She has been officially accepted by University of California, Davis.   She will be studying animal biology and then if the crazy loans dont kill us, vet school.  She will become an Aggie
So in September, we will be taking a trip up north, to the lovely Sacramento area to drop her off at the dorms, away from us... for the first time that will last more than a week! 
I am not really sure how we are going to survive, but hopefully, we will all have enough to keep us busy so we dont miss her until Thanksgiving.