Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Spooks, goblins and couch potatoes, oh my!

Halloween, my second favorite holiday of the year. Ok, not so much a holiday any more as much as it is a day for little people to go and beg for sweets but still it is fun to see all those little tiny princesses and aliens and other assorted characters toddle their way up to the door to have their parents prompt them to say thank you... Makes me wish Grin and Smirk were little again. But not this year... We had NO little tykes or even big ghouls visit our house. Which I guess was ok as I didnt buy any candy!

Grin went out with her friends.. She was dressed as Princess Tiger Lily from Peter Pan. Her dad bought her a very plain indian costume which I then proceeded to "Fix" with feathers and beads and bangles! All Praise the Hot Glue Gun! Smirk and her friends also went out to terrorize the neighborhood.. She was a mobster, in a very short skirt... Oh for the days when I could dress them!!! They both looked adorable either way.

I however think I had the best night of all.. I sat on the couch, in my cozy pj's and very warm socks, with a nice glass of merlot and watched Casino Royale (Daniel Craig is beautiful), in silence, with no interruptions, no questions about why does that happen or who is he or what is he doing before he does it; like I have all the answers in the world... It was bliss... And when Princess Tiger Lily returned with a basket full of candy she was happy as she had fun with her friends. And Smirk returned she was happy as she got to visit her friends... So all in all, it was a good halloween! Just treats, no tricks!!!

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