Friday, January 11, 2008

Help me understand...

So we were attempting to watch some television the other night and since the writers strike in Hollyweird, there is a minute chance that a new episode of one of our favorites will be on, so we surf. We come across a show about Miss America and changing the face of the Miss America contest. While I usually despise "reality" shows (other than Top Chef) we decided to take a chance. This might actually be humorous. I was outraged!!! First they have all of the current contestants for the Miss America pageant staying in a giant house. They plan on putting them through contests to identify their weaknesses and try to change them for the better. The current challenge was at a dinner with a special guest... The ladies were stumped.. who would be their special guest??? the guest was CONTROVERSY! Wow, they got to sit at tables randomly and talk about subjects that might be put to them in the question portion of the pageant. Great, I thought, finally changing the game and getting some real answers out of the bubble heads that usually speak at this pageant! (I am reminded of the movie Miss Congeniality!!) So they discuss... The topic of premarital sex comes up at one table. Most of them say it is a sin and it should never happen and more blah blah blah hot air.... Finally the judge at the table steps in and says that since she has been listening then everyone at this table must be a virgin. And then proceeds to ask if that is true... You could hear the crickets chirping and the wind blowing through the extensions in their hair. A few spoke up and said yes, absolutely, but one gave this long winded answer about nothing! (our next senator from Alaska)... So then we go to judging, I am hopeful!! I think great, maybe the judges will comment on how these women are idiots but are supposed to be the role models for young women in society and represent our country internationally... BUT NO!!! What do they discuss??? The amount of makeup and hair spray used by each contestant to come to the dinner... So the discussions that were just had meant nothing... NOPE, they just kept going back to the make up and the sparkles. I had to turn it off.. I would rather watch reruns of Laverne & Shirley or Mork & Mindy.. I am done, no more reality TV.. I just cant take it... It just proves to me how much stupidity there is in our country!!! I give up on trying to make people believe that you should be judged on what you think and what is inside your heart, no from now on I will only judge by looks, but in reverse.. The uglier some one is the more they will have my respect... Pretty people will be damned... Stupid people will be rounded up and sent to an island in the Bermuda triangle... Or I can do what every one else does...just sit back and do nothing...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're going to need somewhere bigger than an island.. I'm pretty sure you will have enough people for a continent..