Sunday, October 14, 2007

Fun Days...

What a weekend! This weekend has been very fun filled and amusing. Smirk had homecoming this weekend, so Saturday was filled with primping and polishing and spraying and gunking! She and her friends, Princess Tiger Lily & Spumoni had a great time, dancing and looked beautiful! It was a proud moment! They were amazing! It is hard to think that they were once just little girls playing dress up and now are women ready to conquer the world.

They came home this morning, shockingly early after staying up most of the night giggling, to wish me a happy birthday and helped me make waffles for breakfast. We spent most of the day just laying around watching TV and relaxing! What a great way to spend a birthday!!

Today made me reflect on my surroundings... I was born in California and raised here, and yet I find it hard to admit that to people. My family has been in this state for over 100 years and yet whenever I leave this state, people now seem to equate Southern California with a stupid television show that completely misrepresented this area. (Never once have I uttered the words "Welcome to the OC, bitch") Not all from here want to be actors or have fake boobs and or tans...Yes quite a few do, but not everyone...Nor are we all tofu eating freaks who do yoga and wheat grass shots. But there are some strange events that happen here in Southern California... We dont really have seasons like the rest of the country, We have mid winter, which seems to involve a little bit of drizzle while news channels report the Storm of the Century, and fire season, which is most of October... We also have tourist season, mid April thru Labor Day, when the tourists come out to the beaches in their bermuda shorts and black knee socks.. this also brings out the Barbie girls to sit at the beach in their micro bikinis...

Anyway, back to today, we left the house to drive to Disneyland and on our way we saw a group of 10 year old boys riding down the side of the road on unicyles... Odd, looked like a clown training class. We also stopped by a seadside community. We came to a red light, me in my lovely toyota sedan (1995) and a brand new orange Lamborghini. A homeless man cross the street in front us. This man was looking for handouts. He chose to ignore the wealthy old guy in the sports car but came to my window to pester me and my daughters... odd choice when looking for spare I have any.... Oh well!! You just have to smile!

We came home finally with both my kids and several others in tow... I cooked dinner and settled down for the night.. We got to watch movies and relax.. Now that is what I call a birthday!!!

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