Friday, March 7, 2008

Things that make you go hmmmm?

Riddle me this Batman, if the US government has made the cable companies stop broadcasting in Analog and we now have no other choice then to get digital cable, why do I have to pay extra for the service???
This is what I have to pay each month.... Why should I be charged for the Digital cable service if I don't have a choice????

Cox Limited Basic 1 17.00
Cox Expanded Service 1 30.99
Digital Cable Service 1 13.95
Cox Digital Video Recorder Service 1 9.95
Digital Suite Digital Cable Discount 1 -10.25
Digital Receiver - DVR/HD 1 5.25
Total Monthly Cable Service $66.89

One of the many mysteries of the world.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Batman says that if you dont want cable you can stick up that old antenna but you have to buy the $80 converter box to make the tv work.. man.. why didnt we think of that... we would be rich!!