Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Since I work for a large wireless provider, I see some strange things...But this one really upsets me... This was sent to my boss as an idea that maybe we should try to sell these in our retail stores since we allow Amazon to utilize our network... Go ahead take a look, we will wait....

I DONT LIKE THIS PRODUCT!!! Why do we have to digitize books?? And even more, make it wireless and available with the touch of a button in minutes??? I do not want to "read" a book on a wireless device the size of my palm. I want to smell the paper, hear it crackle as I turn the pages, feel the cool cover of the book against my warm leg as I read in the sun. I want people to look at me like I am a throw back to a different time when I pull a book out of my purse, or car or bag while I kill time waiting as I usually do for my children. I want to be able to pull a book off the vast shelf of my library and remember reading it for the first time. I want to share that book with others. How can you impress that cute guy in Starbucks with your intellect and that fact that you can read one of those dead russians if all he can see is another person staring mindlessly at a little screen. I want that cute guy to see the cover of Anna Karenina or Proust! I want him to think...Hey she looks pretty & brainy, and then ignore me cuz I am not blond nor do I look like Barbie, but it was there if only for a moment!

I realize that some could say we are destroying the environment by printing books, but I refuse to believe that!!!! Why cant printers use recycled paper?? What do I care if the paper once came from a school or office that wastes thousands of pieces of paper aday?? As long as I can read the pages, I dont care where it came from!!!!

DOWN WITH TECHNOLOGY!!!! Not all of it though, cuz if you dont buy the cellphones I am out of a job!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Weren't you the one complaining about the lack of shelves for all your books?.. Hmm.. tell ya what.. we will take a book.. hollow it out and you can put your Kindle inside so you can smell the paper while you read one of the many many books you have on screen.