Tuesday, February 26, 2008

See Spot Run....

Somehow I found myself on a email list for a popular "mom" website. You know one of those Mom's Unite websites, a place where you can chat with other mom's about pertinent issues facing you and your children... In other words a place where stay at home mom's can whine... I don't have anything against stay at home mom's at all. Trust me I may sound bitter but the abundance of these websites is crazy!

Anyway, the email I received had to do with the amount of homework children are receiving from schools. Since I feel strongly about this and have for several years, I took a peek. There were posts from moms with kids in kindergarten up to 5th grade. Since Smirk and Grin are long out of those grades I felt I needed to tell them to suck it up, it doesn't get any better. These mom's were complaining about little precious having 45 minutes of homework whilst in kindergarten. I wrote to these mummies explaining how on Sunday night, my highschoolers came home from their fathers with the remaining of their weekend homework. They had been working on it off and on all weekend long. Smirk had to finish her essay on Beowulf and her powerpoint presentation on penicillin & Smirk needed to finish her questions on Macbeth. In other words, here is how my Sunday evening went. Driving 20 miles to pick up girls, listen to them bicker all the way home, listen to the argue about who got me first to assist with their remaining homework, wish to all the stars i the heavens I could win lotto so I could get the radio in my car fixed so I could drown out the bickering, get home, sit down at computer with Macbeth in one hand and the other on my phone explaining to the former Mr Amused how to send Smirk's Beowulf essay & power point presentation from her laptop which she left at his house... After receiving said works, I proceed to fix the power point and make it pretty, something she was unable to do because she couldn't get the stupid laptop mouse to work correctly (mental note, look at her laptop when it returns and make sure the mouse touch pad isn't covered in chocolate covered raisin goo) and answer Macbeth questions (mental note, invent time machine and travel back to 1603 and give William Shakespeare something else to write about) Grin could make her way through the old english but she was stuck on how to illustrate several of the passages... Her teacher seemed to think that if they were to draw pictures of the quotes "Out, damned spot; out, I say. One, two,—why, then ’tis time to do’t. Hell is murky" or "Fair is foul, and foul is fair Hover through the fog and filthy air"; this would expand their creativity. I get it, I understand but this is an english class... Not an English Lit class, that would be Smirk's class, but a plain old English class where they are supposed to learn spelling and grammar. How is drawing going to assist in that?
But back to the evening, after the powerpoint came the fluffing of Beowulf. Smirk inherited from her father the worst spelling abilities in history. While Smirk got her assistance, Grin moved on to the remaining spanish questions. I cant help there as my spanish is limited to ordering a taco and a beer/tequila or asking where the bathroom might be at an americanized mexican restaurant. After finishing my portion of the homework, they were left to finish and review their work, I still had to finish the laundry and ready myself for work the next day. Packing lunches for all and ironing my pants.
And I had to do all this before 9pm so we could watch the ending of Pride & Prejudice on Masterpiece Theater. Thank god for DVR!!!
The amazing thing was, after I had ranted all this on the MOM site and hit send, their site rejected my post. Must have been too much of a complaint and they didnt want the other mommies to feel bad

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